Measurement Devices

The following measurement devies can be used as part of a collaboration:

Device Name Type Description
Lake Shore Gaußmeter 475 Gaußmeter Magnatic Field Range: 35 G - 350 kG
Keysight E4990A Impedance Analyzer Frequency R.: 20 Hz - 10 MHz, Resolution: 1 mHz
Signal V: 5 mVrms - 1 Vrms, Resolution: 1 mV
Signal I: 200 µArms - 20 mArms, Resolution: 20µA.
Tektronix DPO3034 Oscilloscope 4 Analog Inputs, Sample Rate: 2,5 GS/s
Bandwidth: 300 MHz
Records up to 5 Mega points
Agilent E5061B-3L5 Network Analyzer Frequency R. S-Parameters: 5 Hz - 3 GHz
Frequency R. Gain-Phase: 5 Hz to 30 MHz
Resolution: 1 mHz
Agilent E4980A LCR Meter Frequency R.: 20 Hz - 2 MHz, Accuracy: 0,01 %
Signal V: 0 - 2 Vrms
Signal I: 0 - 20 mArms
R&S FSV3 Signal- and Spectrum Analyzer Frequency: up to 3,6 GHz
Bandwidth: 40 MHz
Measurement Uncertainty: 0,4 dB over frequency r.
Keysight EXA N9010A Signal Analysator
HP 4194A Impedance Analyzer Frequency R.: 10 kHz - 100 MHz, Resolution: 1 mHz
Measurement Range: 10 mOhm - 1 MOhm
Accuracy: ±1,5 % to ±6 % dependant on frequency

Contact us for further information about these devices.